Check out these “virtuoso” events!
Ongoing membership group
Every other Sunday evening, I meet with my Virtue Circle ladies for group coaching on growing in virtues like prayer, forgiveness, and patience. Learn more at
Coming up
October 2023
“How to Imitate the Virtues of Mary”
Mt. DeSales Academy, Catonsville MD. Date and time TBD.
I’ll share the three top virtues of the Blessed Mother with practical tips on how we can make them our own.
You’ll go home inspired with practical ideas on how to be more like the Blessed Mother — so you can more powerfully build up the Kingdom of God in your heart, the Church, and the world.
What people are saying …
May 5, 2023
“How to Imitate the Virtues of Mary”
St. Raphael Catholic Church, Rockville MD
Three top virtues of the Blessed Mother with practical tips on how we can make them our own.
“Thanks for making it real. We need more of that.” — Sally M.
January 28, 2023
“How to Imitate the Virtues of Mary”
St. Mary’s Church, Rockville MD
“I loved your humor and honesty.” — Marta C.
“Your presentation inspired wonderful sharing throughout.” — Kirsten G.
“Very useful and relatable.” — Inna H.
March 14-16, 2023
“The Real Me”
Women’s retreat with meditations and discussion on what it means to be the woman God created us to be — who we have been and who we are becoming. San Damiano Spiritual Life Center, White Post, Virginia. Register here:
August 5, 2021
“How to Harvest the Garden of Your Soul”
Superior Diocesan Catholic Women’s Conference
Medford, Wisconsin

“Very uplifting.” — Diane N.
“Very interesting and entertaining.” — Anon.
“Practical advice on ways to be patient, things to do and things to avoid.” — Anon.
December 5, 2020
“How to Live as a Beloved Daughter of God”
Women’s Advent Retreat
St. Ambrose Catholic Church
Annandale, Virginia
“I like how she invites her audience to share ideas — that enhances the talk and turns it into a community sharing.” — Aidee D.
“Simple and easy message — but life-changing.” — Evelyn N.
March 4, 11, and 18, 2020
“Lenten Virtues for Women: Prayer”
St. Andrew Apostle Catholic Church
Silver Spring MD
“Very good insights; practical advice.” — Anon.
“I learned a lot!” — Theresa N.
“I loved the discussion and hearing what other women are doing [in their prayer lives].” — Ruth H.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Catechist retreat
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Manassas, VA
“Rose is knowledgeable and good at keeping our attention.” — Joann S.
“Very engaging and thought provoking.” — Sheri Q.
“Wonderful energy.” — Anon.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
“Harvest the Garden of Your Soul”
St. Aloysius Catholic Church
Leonardtown, Maryland
“Simple, relatable message that I can apply to everyday life.” — Missy
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
“How to Live as a Beloved Daughter of God”
St. Edmonds Catholic Church, Rehoboth Beach DE
“I enjoyed her presentation, so natural, so sincere! She really is blessed with natural ways to share and explain!” — Anne
October 14, 2019
“How to Live as a Beloved Daughter of God”
St. Andrew Apostle Catholic Church
Silver Spring MD
“The talk is what I needed to hear right now.” — Mary
October 26, 2019
“How to Live as a Beloved Daughter of God”
Future With Hope Catholic Women’s Conference
Arlington VA
November 4, 2018
“How to Cultivate the Garden of Your Soul”
St. Jane de Chantal Sodality Communion breakfast.
“Very concrete suggestions for developing patience.”
“I liked the definitions of virtues in ways that apply to everyday life. Lovely imagery.”
September 22, 2018
How to Cultivate the Garden of Your Soul with 3 gotta-have Virtues
Saint John Paul II National Shrine. Sponsored by the Washington Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women.
“Such practical advice. I’m inspired to look into the virtues I need to develop.” — Peggy
“Rose made it real with real-life examples.” — Janice
A snippet on Gratitude from for Sept 22 talk:
April 16, 2018
Cultivating the Garden of Your Soul
Keynote presentation at the Harrisburg (Pennsylvania) Council of Catholic Women Annual Convention.
“A relatable discussion on how to be a better Catholic.” — Julieta
“Simple, practical helps to live a Christian DAILY life.” — Suzanne
“Very cheerful and uplifting.” — Elaine
A little snippet from the April 16 talk:
Saturday, February 24, 2018
Women’s Lenten Day of Reflection
Rose offered two talks on “Embracing Hope”
San Damiano Retreat Center, White Post, VA
Sponsored by Future With Hope Women, LLC
March 9-11, 2018
Faithbooking Spiritual Retreat
San Damiano Retreat Center, White Post, VA
A quiet weekend to reflect on your spiritual journey, to look back and see how God has been working in your life all along.
Rose offered 4 reflections during the weekend that made episodes of Mary’s life applicable to our lives today.
“A very moving experience. Rose was fantastic. Please bring her back to continue her teachings.”
March 31, 2017
Lenten Day of Reflection
Greensboro (North Carolina) Area Council of Catholic Women
“Thank you for a wonderful presentation of ideas that can help me in my spiritual and daily life.” – Mary N.
“Powerful and informative.” — (name withheld)
“Thanks so very much for all the Wisdom, God’s Wisdom, that you taught and shared with us. This is the best retreat and I have been to a lot of retreats.” – Mary F.
Very inspirational. Just what I needed! – Barbara
See a video of the first few minutes of the Greensboro presentation below!
July 17, 2016
Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic,
Dominican House of Studies, Washington, DC
“Human Mercy”
A guided discussion of Chapter One of Mercy: A Bible Study Guide for Catholics
“I enjoyed very much your presentation on Sunday. You have a great ability to present your subject in a thought-provoking way and it helped us to do some good soul searching and interact with each other. I loved your style!” — Alice J.
July 8-9, 2016
The Catholic University of America
National conference: “Hope, Help, and Healing: A Catholic Response to Domestic Abuse and Violence”
“How to Teach People Who are Hurting to Recognize Their Dignity as Children of God.”
“Thank you for this talk! I loved how you connect the virtues with our human dignity.” — Ana F.
“Good reflection on practical ways to help others.” — Libby D.
“I appreciated your calm, quiet style with time to reflect.” — Timothy D.
Saturday, February 27, 2016
“A Sinner’s Guide to Mercy”
2016 Archdiocesan Women’s Conference: Divine Mercy in Prayer and Action
Bladensburg, MD
“You helped me slow down, get to that quiet place, and reflect about what I was learning so I can put it into words and, most important, into action.” — C.B.
“It was a great presentation. You brought out the joy of mercy.” — C.D.
February 14 — March 6, 2016
The Bring Christ’s Teaching into Your Daily Life Bootcamp
4-week live webinar series on what the virtues are, why they are important, and how to remove obstacles to God’s grace to grow in virtue.
“I watched a TV series on the Virtues, but your course was much better. You’re ready for prime time!” — D.V.
October 24, 2015
St. Edmond Catholic Church, Rehoboth Beach DE
The Virtue-Happiness Connection
“My husband and I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation on Saturday. You have a gift for teaching and a wonderful way of presenting your material. You left us both wanting more!” — Anthea P.
September 16 – October 21, 2015
The Virtues: 7 Everyday Tools That Connect You With God
6-week workshop held in Silver Spring MD.
Some student comments:
“Your presentations have a clarity that has been transformative for me.” — M.P.
“The course is straightening stuff out in my head. I’ve read a lot of spiritual things, but you have helped me put all that information into order so I can practice it better.” — J.D.
“You make virtue accessible and comforting. Virtue is not just about my defects — it’s all about the possibilities! Thank you, Rose.” — J.S.
June 7, 2015 — St. Andrew’s Women’s Group
Loving as Jesus Loves
“I look forward to going deeper into this at your seminar in the fall.”
March 25, 2015 — Msgr. Wells Council, Knights of Columbus, Silver Spring MD
The Virtue of KOC’s Core Principles
“I’ve been a Knight for 25 years and never heard how our principles relate to the virtues.”
“Thank you, Rose. It was a great, enriching talk.”
February 8, 2015 — St. Andrew Women’s Group, Silver Spring MD
I Want To Know What Love Is
“Thank you, Rose! I came away with tools that will really help me.” — Carol C.
September 24, 2014 — Rotary Club of Lake Ridge, Virginia
The Rotarian Four Way Test and the Virtue of Justice
“Thank you, Rose, for a wonderful talk. Hearing how the classical virtues are mirrored in Rotary’s ‘Four Way Test’ gave us an invigorated and much deeper understanding of [our mission].”
— Tom Kreutzer, Charter President