I was so inspired by the story of Joe Reali that I want to share with you the Knights of Columbus video of his life and the effect he had on hundreds, if not thousands, of people. People are calling him an American Pier Giorgio Frassati. Joe’s story reminds me that each of us can start now being more trusting in God’s power to draw people to himself through us.
Love always,
Tom Roberts
Joe was a magnet. Through his life and his faith he drew people to him, then imparted to them a new momentum in a new direction. Like the best of life coaches I have had, priests, religious, teachers, friends, he did it by example. The lessons I remember the best weren’t “here, I’ll tell you” but the “here, I’ll show you”. Perhaps even more so I learned just by watching someone’s life. One Christmas Eve twenty years ago I was at a low point in my life. As we sat in a family group, chatting, the one Catholic stood up, said she was going to Mass and anybody was welcome to come along. After some seconds of hesitation I chased her down the hall and, eventually into the church. Got myself a Godmother too.
Rose Folsom
What a great memory. The Holy Spirit is awesome!
Rose Folsom
Very beautiful and inspiring! We need more young men like Joe in our lives. He was such a great role model. Thank you so much for sharing.
Thank you! What a powerful example.
Rose Folsom
Glad you liked it, Danny!
Hi Rose,
Yes. What an inspirational story. Earlier this morning the priest celebrating Mass on EWTN talked about the beautiful life and memory of Joe Reali during the homily!
Rose Folsom
It’s interesting to see the groundswell of interest in him and how powerfully he speaks to our time.