St. Therese of Lisieux is a lot of people’s favorite saint. The “Little Flower” died at age 24 of tuberculosis in 1897. She spent her short life in a French Carmelite monastery, yet she is Patroness of Missionaries and Doctor of the Church. Her “little way” has inspired popes, priests, religious, and lay faithful since the publication of her autobiography, Story of a Soul. Her spirituality foresaw the “universal call to holiness” brought forth during the Second Vatican Council.
Here’s the 4-min story of how she led me to know Jesus for the first time:
Marleen Lardieri
What an inspiring story
Linda Hartzell
Thank you, Rose, for your inspiration from St. Therese.
I was unfamiliar with her autobiography. Recently, I came across “Story of a Soul” at the entrance to our parish’s Adoration Chapel. (Perhaps the little saint placed it in my path that day.) I grabbed it and read it in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. I could not put it down…must get my own copy so I can finish it. St. Therese’s soft and humble voice comes through loud and clear.
Very touching…Thank you
Rose Folsom
Hi Rose,
I watched your beautiful video on how St. Therese lead you to become Catholic and was wondering if you ever got your roses from heaven? In fact, since you mentioned it and about how it sounded so superstitious, I thought that’s where you were going with your story, but then no mention of it. So I was just wondering! Happy Feast of All Saints.
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Thank you for sharing your powerful story. One of the things I love (depend on) about St. Therese of Lisieux is that she loved to pray for other people’s souls. This is so helpful in the dark when I feel far from Jesus!
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Thank you for the video. St Theresa has also had a great influence in my spiritual life,
God Bless,
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Saint Therese is my confirmation Saint – she helps me daily to “Love” – I’ll be needing her help today 🙏🏼❤️☘️🥰
Thank you, Rose 🌹
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Hello Rose,
That was beautiful how St. Therese led you to our Lord! Dying at the tender age of 24 she was recognized as a Doctor of the Church!
I apply some of her teachings in my daily life such as praying throughout the day even while washing the dishes and offering it up to Christ. You can do even the smallest acts of kindness & offer it up to him.
St Therese also affected my life. I took her name for confirmation. Several years later, my father was transferred to Paris, and my parents took me to the convent where her body could be seen in a glass coffin in the chapel. As I write this 60 years later, I feel am standing on that site. Her generosity and bravery for God is such a wondrous model for us all to follow. Yet another way we are connected, dear friend.
Karen F. Coombe
Dear Rose, Thank you for sharing another inspirational view of your spiritual journey. I love Sal’s comments about praying during daily routines and small acts of kindness to be offered to our Lord. Certainly, I too need to read “Story of a Soul”.
Blessings, Karen
It’s not what you know, it’s who you know. I know the lady who knew St Therese, who introduced her to Jesus. So now I’m one of those Catholics too.
Joyce Miles
Very Deep and that’s your gift.
Penny Bailey
Thank you for sharing, I am finding a lot of comfort in meeting the Saints and they are truly helping me to become more aware of God’s love for me and all of us.
Thank you Rose for your beautiful message about this Saint. I will search for the book.
Hi Rose, I love this story about Saint Therese. I remember being told in grammar school (Saint Benedict Joseph Labre) that St. Therese prayed throughout the day – while doing the most simple tasks even brushing her teeth. I am not sure which one of the nuns told this story, maybe it was Sister Alma Therese? That would make sense. Anyway, I have taken that to heart and do pray small little prayers often especially when I walk the dog – there are no other distractions and I have such solitude then.
I plan on looking for and buying her book.
Eileen Nimm
Hello Rose and company,
Very interesting that I should come across your video and decide to watch it. I ordered “Story of a Soul” a few months ago and have been trying to read it, but it is going VERY SLOW. In fact today, as I grabbed a towel off a hook, I thought, “I could just stop reading it now and give it to a thrift store, maybe someone else will get better use of it.” But after watching your video, I’ve recommitted to finishing the book. No. Matter. What. p.s. I was wondering where my roses are, and then I realized they are you, Rose!
Rose Folsom
Awwww — thank you, Eileen. Well, we have tons of saints to choose inspiration from — give it another try, but if it’s not a good fit, don’t worry about it! I’ll ask St. Therese to help you out. :)