Dec 8, 2018 filed under Faith.

Girl thanking mom for gift

We are a week into the Advent Season (not the “shopping season”). But we still need to buy or make Christmas presents for the Big Day! And gifts can be a fun way share your devotion to the Birthday Boy, Jesus Christ, and His Mother, with your loved ones.

Below are some stocking-stuffers that caught my eye — I’ll bet the lucky people on your list will appreciate them, too!

Love always,

I’m an affiliate for these items because I whole-heartedly believe in them!  If you choose to take action, I may receive a commission.

Fight like Joan, Serve like Teresa, Trust like Faustina

St. Benedict Medal


Totus Tuus (I am all yours)


“Color the Gospel” coloring book

Rosary Coloring Book


Child’s Colorful Rosary

Know any new babies? This is ah-dorable!
Plush Rosary and Rattle

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