A reader’s comment that she was “following the path of Mary” during Advent made me ponder just what the path of Mary is.
During her pregnancy, Mary pondered Jesus as He rested near her heart. In what ways can our hearts be a resting place for God during Advent? How can we follow the path of Mary toward His birth?
Ways to wait for Jesus with Mary
When Mary and Joseph arrived in Bethlehem, they found no room at the inn. Jesus longed to rest among His people, but was turned away. When He approaches us during Advent, do we turn Him away in our busy-ness?
After He was born, Mary wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger. She and Joseph adored Him in His second resting place: a manger; lowly, rude, and a little bit worm-eaten, like our hearts. Jesus longs to take his rest in our imperfect hearts. The Lord takes delight in his people (Psalm 149:4).
Can we make our hearts like the empty manger awaiting Jesus’ birth? A manger is a place for food. Jesus is the heavenly food laid in a manger for our hungry hearts. Our souls need to be filled with the bread from heaven, Jesus, who wants to find rest in us. Are we willing to find a calm time and place to offer Him rest, or are our minds filled with a to-do list that puts out a “No Vacancy” sign?
This Advent, let’s walk with Mary, emptied out of our preferences and expectations. Let’s take time to ponder in anticipation with Mary the One worth waiting for. Because in two weeks, God will come to fill our emptiness with his very self — Jesus, the only food that satisfies, come to the manger of our expectant hearts.
I invite you to scroll down and share how you plan to “wait” with a quiet heart for Jesus.
Love always,
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Rose Folsom
Hi Mary,
You’ll see any comments that people make on your comment, but in case other comments don’t come to you, click here: https://virtueconnection.com/pondering-with-mary-2/ to check back later to see what ways people have shared. Thanks for checking in — God bless you.
Simple truths become clear as we wait and prepare our hearts to welcome Jesus.
Rose Folsom
So true — quieting our hearts, even for a few minutes a day, lets God enter, who is simple and who is Truth himself.
Thanks for your comment!
Lorraine Stanhope
Such a wonderful encouraging message for today.
Rose Folsom
Thanks for letting me know, Lorraine! Wishing you a most blessed Advent!
Oat Friedhiff
I am preparing my heart and mind for Jesus’ coming by reading Matthew’s Gospel. There are 24 chapters which will take me through His life to our Christmas Eve. I must say I am thoroughly enjoying the peace and solace (though sometimes it’s hard to carve out the time). I am happy that I have managed it so far this Advent.
I am reading a chapter a day of Luke, which I do every year in December. Every year I gain new understanding and insight into the life of Jesus.
Rose Folsom
Beautiful idea — so powerful to enter into Mary’s story via sacred Scripture.
Tom Roberts
Once a week for an hour or two I attend Eucharistic Adoration at my church. During that time I try to think “What is right in front of me to do in kindness?” keeping in mind Matthew 25:40 “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.”