Scripture introduces us to St. Barnabas as “a good man, filled with the holy Spirit and faith” (Acts 11:24). His name was Joseph, but the apostles nicknamed him Barnabas, or “son of encouragement,” because he loved to encourage others in their faith. So much so that when he showed up at Antioch, “a large number of people was added to the Lord” (Acts 11:24).
I invite you to let him encourage (and challenge) you today with a powerful writing that is attributed to him. Here he shows us how to always walk in the light of Christ and not be pulled off the path by discouragement, selfishness, or sorrow.
Personally, I was struck by his admonition to “not give pride an entrance into your heart.” My prayer today is, “Lord, please make me aware of my pride so I can let you replace it right away with humility and dependence on your grace.”
Scroll down and share the thing that jumped out at you that you’d like God to help you with. By doing that, you’ll be encouraging your fellow readers to open up and receive the help God is just waiting for us to ask for. Amen?
Love always,
❤️ Rose
Consider now the way of light; any man who is bent on reaching his appointed goal must be very careful in all he does. Now these are the directions that have been given to us for this journey: love your Creator; reverence your Maker; give glory to him who redeemed you when you were dead; be single-minded but rich in spiritual treasure; avoid those who travel down death’s highway; hate whatever is displeasing to God; detest all hypocritical pretense; do not abandon God’s commandments. Do not put on airs, but be modest whatever you do; claim no credit for yourself. Plot no evil against your neighbor, and do not give pride an entrance into your heart.
Love your neighbor more than your own life. Do not kill an unborn child through abortion, nor destroy it after birth. Do not refrain from chastising son or daughter, but bring them up from childhood in the fear of the Lord. Do not set your heart on what belongs to your neighbor and do not give in to greed. Do not associate with the arrogant but cultivate those who are humble and virtuous.
Accept as a blessing whatever comes your way in the knowledge that nothing ever happens without God’s concurrence. Avoid duplicity in thought or in word, for such deception is a deadly snare.
Share with your neighbor whatever you have, and do not say of anything, this is mine. If you both share an imperishable treasure, how much more must you share what is perishable. Do not be hasty in speech; the mouth is a deadly snare. For your soul’s good, make every effort to live chastely. Do not hold out your hand for what you can get, only to withdraw it when it comes to giving. Cherish as the apple of your eye anyone who speaks to you of the word of the Lord.
Night and day you will bear in mind the hour of judgment; every day you will seek out the company of God’s faithful, either by preaching the word, earnestly exhorting them, ever considering how you can save souls by your eloquence, or else by working with your hands to make reparation for your past sins.
Never hesitate to give, and when you do give, never grumble; then you will know the one who will repay you. Preserve the traditions you have received, adding nothing and taking nothing away. The evildoer will ever be hateful to you. Be fair in your judgments. Never stir dissension, but act as peacemaker and reconcile the quarrelsome. Confess your sins, and do not begin to pray with a guilty conscience.
Such then is the way of light. ☀ ☀ ☀ ☀ ☀
The part where he says “take no credit for yourself ” really struck me. There is something inside me that wants recognition for the good that I do. I used to do everything I could to get noticed. The last couple of years God has been teaching me to serve out of love rather than to get attention. I’m much more at peace when I live that way. I hope I’m a good student because I still have a lot to learn in that area.
So much to ponder…
Accept as a blessing whatever comes your way in the knowledge that nothing ever happens without God’s concurrence.
Do not be hasty in speech
working with your hands to make reparation for your past sins.
Preserve the traditions you have received, adding nothing and taking nothing away. The evildoer will ever be hateful to you.
Never stir dissension, but act as peacemaker and reconcile the quarrelsome.
Such then is the way of light
Terry W
Accepting all as a blessing from God with his concurrence. . .this touched me today. I’m dealing with both my daughter and my husband both having cancer. It has been a true journey in learning to trust in God.
Marie Delaney
Thank you Rose you’re an inspiration! Keep up the good work!
I’ll be reading and rereading this. Very much to ponder and keep in my heart. //Accept as a blessing whatever comes your way in the knowledge that nothing ever happens without God’s concurrence.// is just one of the many lines that jump out at me. I’ve had to learn this painfully and I can say, now, I believe God did allow the traumatic event 3.5 years ago for my sanctification and purification. My husband physically abused me, with a fist into my arm to end an argument. It was horrible and most frightening. We were 43 years married at the time, and I NEVER thought he’d ever do such a thing. It got me diagnosed with GAD and PTSD. I had 3 months of horrific nightmares. Finally, with the right medication and on going counseling, God has helped me immensely to grow closer to Him, to trust in Him alone. I never stopped going to Mass and never gave up hope. We are living separately, for my own peace / healing. We do visit and see one another now and then, as familiy events occur, and we are amicable, but my trust was completely shattered and obliterated. He’s not done very well at ‘earning it back’ either. So we’ll never be living together. It is for the best. God is working in us both. I pray so much for our sons, their wives and our grandchildren. This is a very heavy and splintery cross at times, having to put on the ‘brave face’ and carry this ‘secret’ known only to a very few, but I *do* accept it as God’s blessing. Please pray for us all. Thank you.
Hi Rose,
Wow a lot here and at one time or another I struggle everyday with all that St Barnabas is sharing with us. I feel like making a poster of his, Way of the Light, and hang it on my wall, hmm in the kitchen, where we all gather, so as to have a daily reminder to stay on the path of holiness, to love as God loves.
What a spiritual treasure this is!
Thank you Rose for being the person you are, taking up your cross to share the words of St Barnabas that guides us daily to follow Jesus ❤️
Tom Roberts
I’m going to add this to my daily “preflight cockpit checklist,” the list I work through before launching into the day’s activities. It bears a remarkable similarity to Tecumseh’s Psalm, written around 1811 and, I think, worth looking up. Anyway it’s ageless wisdom.
Lucy Edwards
Hello Rose,
Thank you , as you guide me and have done so, I really thank you. I have struggled for so long and now feel so Blessed for the little things that I do. Please keep on guiding me as I learn so much from you. I look forward to all you do for me and for so many. God Bless you.
Mary Costa
Thanks for all the messages
Have.good thoughts.
Doris Lacock
I will take this to heart and go over it often. It Thanks do much Rose.
Esther Davis
I have acquired so much in clothing and jewelry at my local thrift store over the years, plus many household items. I receive many compliments from others on how I dress, and wear bling jewelry.
Sometimes I wear a tiny flower in my hair, receiving more kind words. It makes people smile, then I smile back at them. I didn’t want it all going to my head and let pride effect my faith, so as soon as I receive the compliment, I send it directly to God, because if it were not for Him, I would not have these “things” in the first place. He has allowed me to do all this by His Grace alone. Nothing to do with me. He is my giver and taker, and I accept that.
Rose, thank you for sharing St. Barnabas. So much there. ‘’duplicity’’ struck me. I’ll keep rereading this. God bless. You have my daily prayers.
Sharon Gagnon Witzell
This is a lot to take in, but very very good. I try to work on humility, but like others, I used to want to be noticed and tried hard to get attention. Now that I try to be humble it seems that God raises me up even more and I get the attention I don’t want or try to get.
Thank you Rose for sharing this.
Hmmm…do not be hasty in speech, the mouth is a deadly snare. In other words, think before you speak. A hard lesson to learn.
Patricia Brophy
“Give glory to God who redeemed you when you were dead.” Important to remember the gift God has given us. And also show our thankfulness.
“Be singleminded but rich in spiritual treasures.” My Prayer- Lord help me to place my mind on you & the things of Heaven more often throughout my day. And help me to remember so many blessings you’ve given to me each & every day . Along with your many mercies .
“Hate whatever is displeasing to God.” My Prayer- Lord help me to make reparation to you when I encounter these things that displease you. And It may be me at times who is displeasing you . Help me to see these things in myself that are displeasing.
“Night & day you will bear in mind the hour of judgment.” This is really good ! My prayer- Lord help me to remember that I’ll give an account one day at the hour of judgment. It’s so easy to talk too much & fall into judging others. Or use words I shouldn’t.
“ Never stir dissension, but act as a peacemaker.” My prayer – Lord sometimes in our family we get annoyed with one another & we speak negatively of another. Help me to recall & point out others good qualities. And help me to accept my loved ones as they are. Knowing we all have our weaknesses.
Thanks Rose for sharing this! God Bless you ❤️
Mary zcosts
This was great. Good thoughts