A friend’s son died tragically. I asked my friend, a “devout atheist,” if she would mind if I prayed for her and her family. She said, “I accept your gift of prayer because I know it comes from your heart.”
So, if she who thinks prayer has no effect is comforted, how much more those of us who believe that prayer is the greatest force in the universe — believe that prayer is like a spiritual lever and fulcrum by which Archimedes said he could move the world!?
Yet we sometimes neglect to pray for each other.
I have a friend who just learned that cancer has spread to her bones. She says that she can feel the prayers of friends and that their prayers reduce her fear and increase her confidence that God is close.
Prayer among friends
Consider an idea inspired by my late friend Frank Fletcher. Frank’s limitations prevented him from holding a paying job. So he spent his time riding the bus, striking up quiet conversations with people, gently reminding them of God’s love.
Frank had a habit that may bring a new dimension to your prayer life. Whenever I saw him, he’d ask me on parting, “What are three things I can pray for you today?” The question was, and is, utterly arresting. It was as if the hand of God reached into my soul, looking to touch anything that needed healing. A question so powerful I sometimes had to stifle tears as I answered. For some reason, it always surprised me.
The act of sharing three things to pray for unburdened me of whatever was bothering me that day. Frank was willing to take upon himself my greatest burdens as he waved goodbye and walked toward the bus stop to go home, leaving me feeling light and free.
What I had neglected to give entirely to God I was able to give to my friend. Frank was a secret agent for God.
Frank Fletcher, pray for us that we will take time today to ask someone, “What can I pray for you today?”
Scroll down and type one thing that this community can pray for you.
Love always,
Lupita Ramirez
Barrett’s esophagus disease and gastroparysis disease and that colon polyps don’t come back.
liz boulanger
Thank you Rose. That was beautiful! I have so many that I pray for daily. Please pray for Tyler Joseph, 56 days old in NICU for 56 days. He is doing well and may go home at the end of Feb but can use lots of prayers.
Pls pray for my health that someday I could be free from post infectious functional bowel disorder.
Please also pray I can love scripture more and more every day.
Thank you! God bless us all and God please bless America.
Addie Lou Willis
Pray for me that I will spend more time in prayer, holy reading, and reaching out to others … and less time watching TV. I want to live more as God intended me to live – less ego, more humility. I’ve been very sick the last couple of years, but I’m better now and want to refocus my life as a true disciple of Jesus.
Janet Ormond
Pray for my great-nephew Zack who is in a coma and on life support.
Rose Galaviz
Thank you Rose , how you see in nature the beautiful things I enjoy nature been rise in the country and now I only see building all round me. I like you too pray for my full recovery from my spinal surgery and again enjoy going Mass and my friends.
Patricia A Brophy
Your friend Frank was truly God’s secret agent! An awesome & special soul! It’s great to know people like Frank.
I have a friend named Ann. She worked with me in past years. Ann had very little, she grew up poor, she’s suffered with diabetes most of her life. And she had been in several relationships that were not good. Especially the one she was caught up in for many years that was very abusive. Sadly Ann moved , first to Texas & now she’s in Arkansas. I miss her . She’s doing much better now. Praise God! But, through it all , Ann has always believed through these years & had faith in God! She loves him so much . She rode the bus too & would read her Bible each day on the bus. We’d talk each time we’d work & we’d always include the Lord in conversations. She also would speak to many others about Jesus & how good he is . She was inspirational to me! I’d tell her that too. I love Ann & we still stay in touch . Please pray for Ann Eckert Nolan.
I’d like to see her healthy& free of diabetes. Also please pray for me to forgive better , those who’ve hurt me in past times. And please pray for my grandchildren(Evan, Cayden, Dillion & Brianna ) & all children ,really . Pray this world is more peaceful & a better world for them as they grow up . Thank you so very much Rose. 🥰
Ceci Chapman-Taylor
God’s will not mine in this life God has given me.
Mary Anderson
Prayers for my son to return back to me without contemp in his heart. Covid was the catalyst that divided us. I haven’t spoken with him since August. His heart is hardened. I’ve reached out but no response.
I know the enemy is the one who orchestrated this divide. He is a sniper that shot his arrow in the deepest wound in order to thwart our spiritual growth. I’ve given it to God. Prayers i know are what can weaken the grips the enemy has upon my son. Please pray for unity between a mother and her beloved son. 🙏
I pray and ask for prayer for America we are getting into a real dark place.
Mary Faye McAneny
Courage to continue on a difficult caregiving journey.
Emily Howery
So many times we are asked to pray for someone who is ill. Recently, I have added to my prayer, “and the graces that their caregivers need to provide them loving support. May each day be filled with God’s love and blessings on your journey.
It has always been a practice in our family that when we hear a siren, we say a prayer to help those in need whether because of illness or fire or danger and for those helping them–EMTs, doctors, nurses, fire(wo)men, police (wo)men–and for all those who care and worry about the victims and helpers.
Judy Kruzicevich
My husband’s kidney cancer has come back. Please pray for him. His name is Peter
For willingness to release excess clutter. To communicate better with my husband. To get along with my Mom.
Susan Haninger
Our family as we live each day with our beloved, Steve, who has cancer again now in his brain and lungs. Pray for our strength and peace as we enter the journey of our final attempt at some healing with immunotherapy. More than anything we want to do the will of God, pray that we can hear it and follow with love.
Maria Henry
This is a big one Rose but What we need are prayers for world peace.
Prayers please for my daughter and grandchildren, each are having big changes in their life. Pray they feel Gods love. And listen to God as they Discern their decisions.
For son having a rough time living life. Ask that the family support and accept each other just as we are.
Thank you !
Olga Vera
Prayers that my husband and daughter return to the church. Prayers for healing: body, mind, and soul. Peace in our world.
Fran Cubelo
The return to faith of my daughter & the conversion of my grandchildren.
Pray please for my granddaughter who is an atheist and for her precious child .
Dorothy Huggins
I pray to get my family back into the church 🙏🏻
William Edward's III
Please pray for my daughter, granddaughter going through a nasty divorce.
Peace, comfort for them in Jesus name 🙏🙏🙏
That my children and husband fully return to Jesus Christ.
Margaret Macknowsky
Pray for me to know how to handle the daily struggles
For my son who is struggling to hold down a job. We’ve offered advice, which he asks for but rarely takes. He’s also away from the Church…..a bad combination. I’ve worn out the Lord’s ears praying for him.
Joyce Moore
I pray for peace and unity in our country. There is so much hate. We need to love one another as Jesus told us to do.
Pat Friedhoff
This is a beautiful story. It is something I want to do for my friends and family. I hope I remember to ask. I would like to make this a habit – it would be a blessing for others and for me. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story with us.
JoEllen Lavergne
Pray for healing of family relationships and restoration of my family.
That my children will return to the Catholic faith, that my students treat each other with respect even though they differ in opinions, and peace in our government,
My brother-in-law had an emergency tracheotomy yesterday. He will have a ten hour surgery on Tuesday to remove a cancerous tumor and his voice box. Please pray for Craig and my sister Jean for strength and courage.
Jayne Schmidt
I would ask for prayers for my brother Gary, who is a very noble man, fighting Parkinson’s Disease. Thank you from my heart.
Prayers that my daughter and her family will return to church.
Marleen Lardieri
Pray that my son Anthony will return to our family.
Pray for my granddaughter who has depression .
Pray that my daughter will win the battle with her weight that she struggles with daily.
Prayers for Grandson Matthew to have friends & not be depressed. He is only 9 years old!
Also for my bro John who has visions & voices.
For my son Jeff that he can lose weight & help with reasoning.
Thank you Rose!
Love the story about Frank!
One more prayer fir a nephew Sean.. will not have to go to prison for drug charge.
Carrol Lee Schilly
Prayers for my husband and myself as we face the future of his Lewy Body Dementia. And that we look to God’s plan not ours.
And for our daughter that she makes peace with her Dad before his disease advances to where he no longer knows her.
Theresa Westdyke
Please pray for my nephew who has been in the hospital for 10 months suffering with cancer and having a liver transplant
mary herstein
That my brother and sister-in-law return to their Catholic faith and receive the sacraments and that they welcome me into their good graces..
That my anxiety gets under control.
Prayers for my sister in law Diane that her 3rd cancer will be healed and cause less pain.
Prayers got our sons upcoming marriage.
Prayers for my husbands throat and continued ability to swallow.
My prayers for everyone here and their intentions. May we continue to find strength in our faith. God we trust in you.
Diane Isabelle
Great story about your friend Frank, Rose. If I had known him, I would have asked him to pray for my brother Joe, who is struggling with several health issues. He will probably be under hospice care soon. I will pray for the needs of those who have posted here.
Please pray for healing for my sister who has cancer. God is the Divine Physician!!
Mary T Behl
Pray that my health returns. I just came out of the hospital and am very tired and weak. I returned to work today and praying the Lord will be at my side.
Your stories always inspire me Rose, and this one touched my heart.
I ask prayers for my family members who have either left the faith or become lukewarm. Pray for Dominic, a dad with MS who is hospitalized and on a ventilator.
I will pray for the needs of all the needs of those who have requested prayers here too.
Ann C
What a wonderful story. I would have loved to have known Frank. I would like to ask for prayers for my continued strength. I are for an elderly aunt and an older gentleman next door. I pray that I don’t overdo and wear myself out. I pray for so many who have so many issues and problems. It humbles me that I am so blessed. I said a prayer for each person and their requests.
May God bless you also Rose.
Dan Hennessey
Please pray for my wife, Beth, who continues to experience a worsening of her symptoms due to Neurofibromatosis 2. She is in a wheelchair full time now and has symptoms that may require a feeding tube in the near future.
Please pray for our son Michael, age 23, who is still seeking his way in life, faith, and career. We love him so much. He struggles with depression, anxiety, and body image issues (he does not have a left forearm and hand.)
Please pray for me that I may have sufficient faith, grace, and strength to do what I need to aid my wife and son Michael.
Judy Carlton
I ask for prayers that my son and his wife come back to the belief in God and our Church.