Why do we pray? There are lots of reasons: to unburden our hearts, listen to God for guidance, ask for a particular grace, gain confidence and calm our anxiety….the reasons are endless.
When it’s hard
We know we need God, but it isn’t always easy to connect with him, even when we know it’s a good thing. Sometimes prayer is like facing a blank sheet of paper in that writing assignment in school: we feel like we’re starting from nothing and have to make it all happen by ourselves. It feels intimidating and scary. And we’d rather not.
How to make it easier
But it doesn’t have to be hard. Instead, we can start with prayerfully reading scripture or a spiritual book and wait until the words we’re reading get our attention in a special way. When particular words tug at our heart or imagination, we can put the book down and let God draw us deeper.
The words we read become a kind of launch fuel that propels us from the natural to the supernatural—from our own action to God’s action in us. There, we soak in the guidance, or courage, or insight that God wants to give us. We spend that time “resting in God” almost as a patient undergoes repair work while under local anesthesia. We remain conscious, but have allowed God to “operate” on us by briefly giving our heart and imagination to him. In these grace-filled moments, God’s truth sinks into our bones, into our DNA. We are changed. We have become more like God.
Another great reason to pray
As if that were not enough reason to let God take the reins of our soul in holy reading, there is another powerful reason. When we have let the truth of God’s word feed us deeply, when we have digested and really absorbed his word in this way, only then can we bring that healing and conviction to everyone we meet. We become lay preachers in the best sense of the word: we bring the light we have received from God to light up the world!
Tell no one
I always wondered why Jesus told his disciples to “tell no one” about certain actions of his, like his healing of the deaf man (Mark 7:36) or raising a girl from the dead (Luke 8:56). A homily yesterday gave a good answer: it was because the disciples had not yet chewed, digested, and absorbed the truth in Jesus’ words and actions. They would not understand him well enough until after the Resurrection and especially after Pentecost. Spreading the news of his miracles too early would have had no effect because the preachers were still too green.
Be a bright light
It’s the same with us. The beautiful moments in holy reading when we put down the book for a few moments and allow God to heal, guide, and unburden us from the inside are powerful sources of grace to live out our vocation to be lights to the world.
Love always,
P.S. If you could use some clarity about your prayer life and what your next best step is to get more connected to God, schedule a phone chat with me by clicking here: https://calendly.com/vir2connection/chat-with-rose
And if you’re a good fit for my 90-day program that gives you a life with less worry and stress and WAY more peace and connection with God, we can chat about that, too!
Diane Isabelle
So sorry about your uncle, Rose. I will remember him at Mass later today. Thanks for the great reminders about prayer.
So sorry of your uncle passed away! Praying for comfort in this time of grieving 🙏🏽❤️May his soul Rest In Peace ✌️
So sorry about the loss of your uncle. Know you and family are in my prayers.
Thanks for this article about prayer.
Love and Peace
Sabine Paul
Thanks for these beautiful reminders of the importance of prayer. And sincere condolences!
Margaret Macknowsky
So sorry for your loss will keep you and your family in my prayers
Anna Marie Montanaro
Sorry to hear about your Uncle Rose. I will pray for him and your family as well.
Please know I’ve been away with family. Today I’m honored to have a couple of teen grandchildren here! I’ll be heading back home mid-October. She see then. I’ve been watching all of the replays. Looking forward to joining you all again soon.
Anna Marie
Anne Gordon
Thank you so much Rose for your words on the importance of prayer. I experienced the very same this past week. It was an amazing feeling for me.
My deepest sympathy for the loss of your uncle. Love the photo of you and your family.
Tom Roberts
I know some people who can come up with prayers on the spot in front of a group. I have no such talents. I have a comb bound half dozen sure-fires from the likes of Mother Teresa and John XXIII. I set aside time before daily mass and make my way through them. Sounds pedestrian but it works. It’s like General David Petraeus’s father said: “Results, Boy!”
So often when reading the daily readings they almost seem to fit right into my feelings or experiences I’m having that week or day. God is always answering our prayers and we need to listen!
Barbara B Kreutzer
Heartfelt condolences for you dear uncle and prayers for you and your family💕
Rose Folsom
Thank you Barb!
Rena Porter
I pray your comfort and strength in the loss of your love one and I pray for the repose of his soul.
Thank you for your insight on “Why bother Praying,” I especially liked “How to make it Easier.”