“You rescued me from the strife of peoples” (Ps 18:44).
As the mid-term elections get closer and communication gets ever more verklempt, this is a reminder that You’re on the Winning Side.
Maybe not the winning side of an election — but the winning side of history.
Yes, however the elections go, victory for the human race was won two thousand years ago on a remote hill in Palestine.
Wins and losses
The saints tell us that when we have lost peace of soul, we have lost Jesus. But it doesn’t have to be that way! To promote peace during these days, I offer this meditation on a decade of the Holy Rosary. As we pray it, may it keep us close to the Prince of Peace and help us avoid the snares of our enemy, who wants us to be upset. Let’s not give him the satisfaction!
Pray with me on a decade of your choice:
Victory over the spirit of falsehood
In this bead I stand on the foot of Mary Immaculate as she crushes the head of the father of lies. I add my full weight, small as it is compared to the mighty power of Mary’s foot, to destroy evil through the blood of her son. I unite myself with the spirit of truth. “I am the way and the truth and the life” (John 14:6). Hail Mary….
Victory over the spirit of accusation
In this bead, I unite with Mary as she crushes the serpent in his spirit of accusation. Knowing his time is short, the air is thick with the arrows of his spite. I renounce the spirit of accusation and cling to the spirit of humility. “I am meek and humble of heart” (Matthew 11:29). Hail Mary….
Victory over the spirit of rebellion
In this bead I unite with Our Lady, crushing the serpent writhing in his last agony. Save us, Almighty God, from the coils that want to squeeze us into the prison of rebellion. I unite myself with the spirit of the freedom of the children of God—the freedom to obey. “He humbled himself, becoming obedient to death” (Philippians 2:8). Hail Mary….
Victory over the spirit of division
In this bead I unite with Mary as she crushes the serpent of division. Let us cling to the spirit of unity brought through the Holy Spirit, her Spouse. “He is One and there is no other than he” (Mark 12:32). Hail Mary….
Victory over the spirit of mockery
In this bead I grieve with Mary at Our Lord mocked and abused. I share the depths of Our Lady’s sorrow in seeing him pierced by thorns and covered in spit. I unite myself with the spirit of dignity that is the birthright of every person. “God created mankind in his image” (Genesis 1:27). Hail Mary….
Victory over the spirit of hatred
In this bead, I stand with Mary as she crushes the head of the serpent who hates God and man. I renounce the spirit of hatred born of fear and envy. By blessing those who hate me, I unite with the eternal spirit of God, who is love. “Whoever loves God must also love his brother” (John 4:21). Hail Mary….
Victory over the spirit of retribution
In this bead, I unite myself with Mary as she crushes the head of the vengeful serpent. I unite myself with the spirit of forgiveness. “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). Hail Mary….
Victory over the spirit of doubt
In this bead, I stand with Our Lady, transfixed at the foot of the Cross as her Divine Son’s heart is pierced with a lance. I feel the piercings of that spear that would prod me, testing whether God is still alive in my heart. I renounce the spirit of doubt, and unite myself with a spirit of faith in life everlasting. “Whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). Hail Mary….
Victory over the spirit of despair
In this bead, I unite myself with Mary as she crushes the spirit of despair at the tomb of her Divine Son. God’s miraculous action in her life draws her to trust in his promise. With Mary, I renounce the spirit of despair and clothe myself in the spirit of hope. “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful” (Hebrews 10:23). Hail Mary….
Victory over the spirit of death
In this bead, I stand with Mary as she crushes, by the power of Jesus’ resurrection, the spirit of him who was a murderer from the beginning. With Mary, I unite myself with Jesus Christ, Author of Life, who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen. “Death is swallowed up in victory” (1 Corinthians 15:54). Hail Mary….
Our Lady, the Immaculate Conception, Patroness of America, pray for our country.
Love always,
Thank you Rose for the Beautiful prayer.
Happy Birthday Sylvia!
I loved your prayer. Thank you. God bless you and God bless our country.
Good morning Rose,
Thank you for this prayer, which is needed during this election time.
I will go to this prayer daily.
Happy Birthday Sylvia
In His Peace
Stephaine Blumberg
Rose, this such a powerful prayer. I live in Michigan where an amendment to the state constitution concerning abortion would be the most extreme in the United States. A group of us have been praying a rosary every day at 5 p.m. May I print this and use it at our rosaries.
Thank you Beautiful meditation
Doris Lacock
Thank you Rose. This is wonderful.
Rose Folsom
Thank you so much for the Novena, Rose. I believe its exactly what I need.
And a very happy birthday to your mother, Sylvia. What a lovely person.
God bless,
Anne G.
+ + +
Love your help for stress over politics. Thank you for both posts.
Anne M.
+ + +
Inspirational and thought provoking – Sandie
+ + +
Good morning Rose,
Thank you for this prayer, which is needed during this election time.
I will go to this prayer daily.
Happy Birthday Sylvia
In His Peace,
Thank you, dear Rose..
We sure need help from heaven at this time. The headlines today said Red flowing in a Blue state.
Love to you and yours,
Margaret Macknowsky
Beautiful prayers I will save to pray daily
Thanks Rose for all these beautiful prayers so much needed in today’s revolutionary world
Rose Marie Galaviz
Thank you Rose, for sharing this a beautiful way to pray. This is the first time I hear of way of praying.
Rose, Thank you for continuing to send me inspirations to pray more. I need it.
Happy Birthday to your Mom!
Jayne Schmidt
How helpful this is for these days of political stress! Thank you!
Your mom would appreciate my dirty nails from readying my gardens for winter this weekend! God bless you and hugs to Mama in heaven.💕
Sharon Witzell
Don’t know where and how you find all these gems, but once again this is great! Thanks!
Anna Marie Montanaro
Rose, this prayer is absolutely wonderful! Thank you for sharing and for reminding us exactly WHO is important! Love, Anna Marie
Darlene Mackey
Bless you Rose for sharing this with all of us. It came at just the right time. I would also like to share what I have found helpful…to the max – the Novena of Surrender. The repeated prayer after themeditation – “Jesus, I surrender myself to you. Take care of everything.” There is also the “Litany of Surrender” and the “Litany of Trust.” God bless.
Thank you so much for this Rose. It is a very stressful time in our country. I hope to pray this before I go to the polls.
God Bless
Lourdes Perez
Rose, thank you so much for sharing this beautiful prayer! Prayer is powerful especially during election time.
Lucy Edwards
Rose, your mom is looking down on us, what we are going through, guiding us in the right path during this stressful time. Thank you so much for this wonderful prayer.
God Bless you.
Mary Anderson
So Beautiful Rose!
I read your conversion story on Spiritual Direction. Com. Thats an important website for growing spiritually!!
I’m a sojourner in Apostoli Viae for the last 2 yrs and was so happy to see that you were there sharing your story! It was through AV that I discovered Spiritual Direction. Com! Great job Rose!!!
MaryAlice Ruiz
Thank you for sharing this prayer and all that you share is Spirit filled and uplifting for me ..just saying.
MaryAlice Ruiz