Today we experience what the ancients longed to see. “Oh, that you would tear the heavens open and come down!” (Is. 63:19). At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit tore the heavens open, coming down in tongues of fire to change the apostles from men who cowered in fear to those who boldly proclaimed the risen Christ. Our baptism and confirmation give us the same audacity in the Truth!
But how to live out that boldness?
Let God Do It
A friend told me today that she prays, “God lead me in your path, even if I know nothing about it.” The same thought has been on my mind lately. Because I too often assume that I am on the wrong path and I beg God to put me right. But what would happen if we assumed that God hears our prayers, knows what he’s doing, and has sent the Holy Spirit to guide us on the right path—even if we know nothing about it? Wouldn’t that change everything?
(Not sure what the Holy Spirit’s gifts are? Click here to see them.)
It’s Not About Us
We can become discouraged when we rely too much on our own strength to become holy. When we see our failures (or what we think are failures) we sometimes wonder whether we can ever be like the saints we admire so much.
But it’s not about us.
Confidence in the Spirit
Believing that God is guiding us—really believing it, though we may not see it—changes our attitude toward everything. It frees us from doubt and even self-doubt. Because it’s not about us, it’s about God working in us. That kind of faith in our personal Pentecost, which is about receiving God in this very moment, rather than judging ourselves, frees us to love without worrying about the results. It frees us to do that scary thing for God that will give someone else the courage to take holy risks. It frees us from worry about the future because we really believe the good God is in control.
Big Plans
God has big plans for us! They include giving us everything we need to become the image of His Son, through whom and for whom we were created. And we know that’s just the beginning: he plans to keep us close to him forever in heaven, which we can practice for now.
The Challenge
I challenge you to live this week as if all the gifts of the Holy Spirit are yours, that they are already alive and active in you. I challenge you to take your eyes off your weaknesses and look instead at God’s victory in you, as you receive the tongues of fire he is sending you right this moment to his glory and yours.
Who is that person you’ve resisted forgiving? That person you’ve been afraid to invite to Mass? That truth you’ve been holding back telling? Let’s get started!
Wishing you a week on fire with the Spirit.
Love always,
P.S. If you feel like your prayer life has gotten a little stale lately, help is on the way. (And who can’t use a more on-fire prayer life?) Click here to see what has helped many people have a closer connection with God.
Wynona Johnson
Needed prayers for my children and grandchildren divine mercy and Salvation .
Esther R. Davis
Dear Rose, I have been a Secular Carmelite for almost thirty years. Lately, I have not been going to the meetings monthly as is expected, but i still have connections with members that keep me up on what’s happening. I have enjoyed this life that has transformed me from something worrisome and wretched, to a mild 92 yer old, who sometimes still has a tremor of doubt. I am looking forward to Pentecost Sunday to be renewed in God’s Holy Spirit, so i can become even stronger in my faith and myself. I live alone, husband deceased, three sons who live pretty far away, except one who visits me every Sunday, and helps me to get some things taken care of. I thank God for him and all of my family.
You are bringing a great gift to your members, and i pray the Holy Spirit will continue to guide you. Please keep sending me your emails that are of great value to my spiritual life. Love and prayers, Esther Davis
Debbie Graham
Hi Rose,
It’s a beautiful Pentecost Sunday morning.
I am going to the 1130 am Mass this Pentelcost Sunday.
My children are here from VA and they leave tomorrow, they have been here for 11 days now.
As always, I look forward to your emails.
I have been learning to let go and let God, and the Holy Spirit keeps me spiritually on HIS path of peace.
Have a Blessed Day
God’s blessings
Debbie (St Petersburg, FL)
Kathy DiCiurcio
Thank you Rose. I struggle every day to turn things over to God. I don’t know why it is so difficult for me. I am going to try and make the effort . I am constantly worried and fearful of the future, not just for me but the ones I love. Thank you for your weekly message.
Debbie Graham
Hi Rose,
Me again…..
I shared with you this morning the my family was is from VA.
Well several times I called on the Holy Spirit and peace washed over me every time, I spent the whole day driving around with my 2 grandchildren, a girlfriend and 2 friends of the family, did I say they are all teenagers!
I cried when I got home because, the girlfriend’s sister is in transition to be a boy, all the cussing, yelling and just no respect. I love my grandchildren, but my heart is breaking . Come, Holy Spirit and He did and was with me the whole day. I am so grateful too, because I know I must pray more.
Thank you for this email. It is so uplifting and guides me back to where I need to be when I am lost
Rose, have had a difficult 3 weeks, actually a difficult year. Oldest daughter with a mutation passed away 8 days ago. After praying for healing myself and at least a 100 people also praying daily for healing. I probably need the Holy Spirit’s wisdom. But feel abandoned by God since her suffering was intense and severe all this time. She rarely had a week between treatment and advancing cancer without pain. I just need God to tell me why this had to be especially since she was only 52 with this stage 4 lung cancer and I am alive at 77 with stage 4 lung cancer. Why didn’t God hear me when I begged Him to take it from her and give it to me. Yes I will pray that the Holy Spirit will enlighten me, but will He
Tom R
It’s Pentecost and our indomitable Dominican parochial vicar, Father Rich, had all of us, choir and parishioners, sing a hearty HAPPY BIRTHDAY accompanied by our glorious Steinway. What a splendid celebration!
Lucy Edwards
Rose, I am thankful, grateful for your spiritual way of lifting my life. I love reading your writings, messages and look forward for them. I pray that the Holy Spirit guides all people in their lives and pray that my eyesight gets better as I am seeing specialists in Lubbock, Tx.