The 56-year-old woman slumped over the arm of a wheelchair near the nursing home elevator was my mother, Sylvia, two weeks after…
Posts Categorized: Living Virtue
30 Hot Tips for Success
Does the to-do list of the wealthiest man in China offer any tips for growing in virtue? Take a look below…
Build Better Habits 10 Seconds at a Time
In this 4-min video, I share my easiest tip ever for jump-starting your spiritual growth by building better habits (thanks to Anne Ciskanik for putting…
Why Speaking Well of Your Spouse is so Important
Sharing this week a post by Michael Hyatt, former CEO of Thomas Nelson publishing, on how easy it is to slip into…
Alchemy in Rio: Turning Virtue to Gold
If you’ve been infected by that wonderful bug, Olympic Fever, for the past week, then you’re probably bleary-eyed but happy. A Catholic…
Mixed Motives
The robin on the power-line outside my window touts a worm in its beak. It doesn’t eat the worm right away, but…
From Fog to Light
A virtuoso emailed the other day: “I am reading parts of C.S. Lewis again, and came across this: ‘Virtue, even attempted virtue,…
The Here and Now of Each Day
Pope Francis’s address to Congress is about virtue – a call to live up to our potential as people created in God’s…
Doorway to Excellence
Have you ever heard the phrase, “Anything worth doing is worth doing badly (until you get better at it!)? That’s my motto…
Here — Taste This!
Heaps of cucumbers, eggplant, and other colorful veggies greeted my friend Roberta and me today as we strolled the farmers’ market in…
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