He is risen indeed! Heaven and earth rejoice.
To help you rejoice, I made a very special 5-min video of my flower photos set to the ethereal voice of soprano Nancy Scimone performing her composition of Psalm 84, “In the Loveliness.” Enjoy!
Wishing you a blessed Eastertide.
Love always,
Christine Clark
The video and the song are beautiful. Really appreciate this so much. This is a treasure and I plan to keep this to listen to and admire God’s flowers that are so exquisite. Thank you for sharing.
Dottie Huggins
Happy Easter 🐰
Esther R. Davis
Dear Rose, thank you for the beauty of you and your name, and all the beauty of the earth, and of music. Love them all. Wishing you and friends and family all that
our Lord has in store for you for a glorious Easter.
God bless you and and the beauty of your soul.
Gladys Morris
Thank you!That was beautiful..Happy Easter
Denise Bolton
Beautiful! Watched and listened to this after returning from the Easter vigil at our parish! Wishing you and yours many blessings! Thank you!
Sue Blake
Happy Easter, Rose! What a beautiful reflection you have created. Thank you! May y0u and yours be
blessed by our Risen Lord as we rejoice in His wonders.
Love, Sue
Margaret Macknowsky
Beautiful! Happy Easter!
Mary E Stroud
Thank you for the beautiful song and pictuues. Happy Resurrection Sundaym
Dear Rose,
Very, very nice! Thank you. Blessed Easter,
Janice A Hummel
This is a beautiful presentation. Thank you for sharing such an inspirational vision.
Blessings to you this joyous Easter,
Pat Friedhoff
Well, Rose, you have outdone yourself – your photos show the floral beauty of God’s creation. He is Risen, indeed! Happy Easter! God bless…
Tom Roberts
We had a beautiful Easter mass today. Our pastor of 28 years died last August but a marvelous man who grew up in our parish came out of retirement to fill his place, and fill it he Did! Our pianist put the Steinway through an aerobatic performance, playing beyond the recessional, to applause. so I shouted “Way to go Gayle!” She returned “Hey Tom; how’d you like the piano?” I countered “Its just a piece of furniture until you touch it. But then, Oh my!”
He is risen and we celebrated. Full house!
Kathy DiCiurcio
Thank You so much for sharing this Rose. It is absolutely beautiful! Happy Eastertide to you.
Shirley Curtis
Loved the beautiful flowers and the composition of Psalm 84! What a beautiful 5 minutes! Thanks for sharing! God Bless & Happy Easter!
Thank you so much for the video and song which just add to this beautiful Resurrection Day of Our Lord.!
I appreciate your inspiration throughtout the Lenton season and look forward to more in the future.
You are a blessing!
Lucy Edwards
Thank you, Rose. I am very grateful for your e-mails, yourself as a inspiring, great person in my life. I look forward for all your msgs as you are so uplifting with all your goodness. Many Blessings to you always& a Happy Easter.
Beautiful and perfect!