Some days are just one judgmental thought after another. Which is embarrassing (I’m better than this!) and unnecessary. When my head gets into other people’s business and out of my own, PLOOMP! I sink.
A day without judging is, like walking on water, humanly impossible, because our brains are wired to assess threats all day every day. Looking out for danger is a great skill, but a good skill can go bad. For example, I saw this the other day:

Let’s just say I had some judgmental thoughts. But here’s how to turn that around.
The second I realized that I’m thinking how the stroller money could have been better spent or how we’re aborting our children but pampering our dogs, I reached out to God to redeem that moment. By praying the opposite prayer, I avoided sinking into judgment and continued to walk in God’s love.
The prayer went something like this: “Lord, let this dog be a reminder to everyone of Your beauty and unconditional love. Bless the owner abundantly. Give her the grace she needs to get closer to You and love You more.”
Another chance came up on Wednesday when a noisy person infested the adoration chapel—ruffling pages, creaking the chair, and yawning with all the sound effects. As I started to sink into self-pity (Great—now I can’t concentrate!), the “opposite prayer” buoyed me back up. “Lord, thank you for your powerful love, which can penetrate my heart and transform it, no matter what else is going on. Even when I don’t feel loving, you are at work in my soul and in the soul of my sister who is so dear to you. I thank you with all my heart.”
Amazingly, a prayer like this instantly changes how we feel about the situation. We calm down because we’re now seeing things in their reality, through God’s eyes.
We can always ask God to inspire our redeeming prayer. With it, we will have saved that moment from being destructive to being life-giving. We will have participated with Christ in the redemption of the world. We will have helped “restore all things in Christ.”
So here’s wishing you a buoyant week!
Love always,
Pam Blatzheim
Thank you so much for sharing this. I appreciate your examples of your prayers as I too struggle with judgement all of the time but I am not so good with the prayers. I will keep working on it. May God bless you.
Very good reminders on how to bring our negative thoughts back to God.
These reminders could not have come at a better time!! God is with us!
I really needed this! We are going through a rough time and it’s hard to not think negative thoughts about my daughter’s ex who is being verbally abusive. My daughter has distance herself from this, but the emails don’t stop, she has to look at them because it involves the children. Dear God change hearts.
Prayers for you MarySue and your daughter and family.
Rose Folsom
Thank you, Rose! This is my 2nd confirmation about stopping thoughts in their tracks, but that we can’t do it on our own, but only with God’s help!
I was in conversation with my sister about distraction in prayer (we were praying the Rosary together and got laughing, and then talking about different things.)
So, you’re right, absolutely! God grant me the grace to ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and direction in how to change a judgemental thought into a prayer!
Thank you for this helpful and inspiring email!
+ + +
Thanks Rose, the pink daisies are just what I need.
I love them and any kind of flower, St. Therese and my mother
brought me up on them, they are the light of my life, along
with Jesus, Mary and Joseph and the Saints,
And of course the Holy Trinity, Three in One.
God bless, keep well,
+ + +
Thank you Rose! This email was just what I needed to read. I caught my own twin festering too much myself! I’m trying to think Godly thoughts………some days are definitely better than others! Anna Marie
+ + +
Beautifully said, so on target.
+ + +
I really need to practice patience and being nonjudgmental. It is very hard not to be especially these times. I’m always praying to God to allow me to change. I should be praying for others instead of praying for me. Thank you for your teaching.
+ + +
Thank you so much! Just perfect. Have a blessed day.👍🌸👍
Kathryn Elsayed
Thanks for this easy way to avoiding spinning out of our own peace with God 🙏. I did something similar a few weeks ago and it made all the difference.
It’s easy to judge unfortunately. When grace steps in your soul sees how destructive this becomes to the victim of your judgement and yourself. Peace and blessings be with you this week. 🕊️✝️🙏
Dorothy Huggis
Thank you Rose for introducing me to the Consecration to Saint Joesph! Have a great week.
God bless you
Mary Anderson
I find the Holy Spirit working within the both of us!! This last week I’ve had to write a book report. This book was so deeply profound and engulfed in the body of Christ. Needless to say because of all the reflections and incredible movement of the Holy Spirit…the enemy of desolation was screaming in my ear all week! I knew that I had to do the exact opposite just as you speak of!!!
So your timing is conformation for me!! See how we’re in spiritual unity 🤝
Peggy Potere
Thank you Rose for showing me how to handle these situations. Have a Blessed week, Stay warm!
Thanks Rose. I hate to say that I struggle with being judgmental a lot. I have been trying to ask God to help me but I think I need to try harder. I love your examples of turning these thoughts around. Always love hearing from you Rose.
Thank you, Rose! I love this practical way to make lemonade out of a lemon!!! Thank you! And God bless!
Needed to read this one today, Rose, for a few different reasons! Thanks!
Such a good reminder!,Thank you. I have been trying to do that with my thoughts on some politicians. Instead of praying they would be stopped in their tracks….trying to pray that the Holy Spirit visits them and they make moral choices. Hoping that brings more love from me…🙏
Thank you, Rose, for reminding us to turn our judginess (is that a word) around. I can’t always find something nice to say when my internal judge activates, though, so I start by reminding myself, “Jesus loves that person, too!” I’ll start trying harder to find the positives – thanks!
Violet Weeks-Sides
Thanks. Very helpful.
I needed this, my spouse in having memory issues. I can get very negative and sad
Poor me. This reminds me just give it to God, and a prayer of thanksgiving for the
life we have been blessed with. Thank you Rose for giving everyone a positive shot
every week. God bless.
I will pray for you Rita
Thank you for this reminder. I was sitting in Mass today that bling the same thing, how often I judge or simply comment on a persons life which are actually none of my business. I will keep this in mind for future dilemmas of a judge mental thought.
Jan Mullin
Thanks Rose! I needed this reminder and examples of prayers that turn our thoughts around to the GOOD! You are a Blessing!
Diane Isabelle
Great posting, Rose!! Loved those posies and that precious doggie!
Thank you, Rose! This turning around of judgement , giving to God and blessing to those that I see or hear. . This practice is beautiful.
My husband has some memory issues at first so annoying then I figured it was my own selfishness. I think what would Jesus do, take a big breath and ask God for guidance. It works!
What a great reminder. Judgements come so easily at times. I pray I will pray always to remember to change them into prayer for the person or situation at hand, Also ,
If I can remember That if I knew the whole story I wouldn’t be so ready to judge in the first place.
Thank you. Gods peace and Joy this week and In this new year.
Barbara Kreutzer
With God, all things are possible!
Eileen Rains
Thanks for this Rose 🌹❣️ It is very helpful 🙏 Mostly my thoughts are usually “self deprecating” 🥴😵💫 just as damaging and something I struggle to get a grip on!!! I will apply your advice in the same manner❣️😍😘
Theresa clifford
Last week I jumped at one of our ladies in Bible study. It bothered me so I decided today I will
Apolize. I too am jungemental and quick to give my opinoin. Your message was the icing on the cake..
Thank you rose for your message and flowers. The sun is out today and that brings me joy.