St. Catherine of Siena (1347–1380), Doctor of the Church and Patron Saint of Italy, was a Lay Dominican and a towering political figure of her time. Her writings give us a peek into the inner life of one who set her priorities to be very close to God—and they inspire us to do the same. Here are the words that God the Father spoke to her about the value of virtue, recorded in her Dialogue.
O glorious virtue! How pleasing you are to me! In the world you so shine on the darksome eyes of the foolish that they cannot but share in my servants’ light. On their hatred shines my servants’ merciful care for their salvation. On their envy shines love’s generosity. On their cruelty shines compassion, for while the world is cruel to my servants, they are compassionate.
On insult shines patience, the queen who reigns over all the virtues because she is the heart of love. She is the sign and signal of the soul’s virtues, showing whether or not they are rooted in me, eternal Truth. She conquers and is never conquered. Her companions are courage and perseverance, and she returns home victorious. When she comes from the battlefield she returns to me, the eternal Father and rewarder of every labor, and she receives from me the crown of glory.
What inspires you most about these words? I often repeat “Patience is the heart of love” when my work laptop is acting up or when my speedometer reads 3 mph in traffic. A quote from St. Catherine herself is also helpful when we need more patience: “To the servant of God, every time is the right time and every place is the right place.” I might add to that “every person is the right person!”
St. Catherine of Siena, pray for us!
Love always,
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Rose Folsom
PO Box 1541 / Silver Spring MD 20902
“Patience is the heart of love”
It goes together. One cannot stand without the other. In our daily journey we are faced with different
challenges and choices. With love and patience we learn to be selfless. We endure the battle. We go through the path with hope and courage. We learn to humble ourselves and acknowledge that we are nothing. It is only through God’s love, grace and mercy that it becomes possible. To God be all the glory!
Rose Folsom
Thanks for your insight: true patience cannot exist without love and love cannot exist without patience. And the wonderful paradox that only when we realize we are “nothing” in ourselves, we become “everything” in Him!
Vanessa Parks
I have struggled with this virtue nearly all of my life. Thank-you for highlighting one of my favorite Saints. St. Catherine of Siena. What a beautiful way to be guided along our spiritual walk with her infinite pearls of wisdom. Thank-you.
God Bless