Jesus was betrayed by a deceitful, cowardly bishop, the apostle Judas, who had tried to cover up his crimes. Today, we needn’t look to the majority of apostles in the Gospel who fled, refusing to stand up for Truth because they feared the people—who huddled together, distancing themselves from the injustice. We need to look to Mary for an authentic response to the deep wounding of Christ’s body.
Mary is the First Disciple. She was the first to give her whole life to Jesus when she said “Yes” at the Annunciation.
Mary had the grit to set out, newly pregnant, on a mission through rocky hills to help her cousin Elizabeth.
Mary, nine months pregnant, had the faith to trust God when she and Joseph set out for Bethlehem.
Mary had the obedience to pick up and head for Egypt with Joseph and their toddler, Jesus.
Mary was there with Jesus on his bloody way to Calvary. She, transfixed with horror, stood with Him at the Cross. Wherever Jesus was, she was there.
Here are three things we can do today to stand with Mary:
- Go to Confession. We can’t expect others to expose their hidden sins if we’re not praying to be shown ours and be cleansed of them.
- Don’t explain or defend. Mary’s witness at the Cross was not one of words, but of presence. If anyone challenges our love of Christ and His Church, we can tell them: “Come and see.” Invite them to experience with you the beauty and power of the Mass.
- Pray for our bishops and priests. Try for at least one bead on your Rosary each day for conversion of those who need it most and strength for so many holy priests who are feeling betrayed, too. Send your pastor a note of support and gratitude.
Most of all, stay close to Mary, who will always bring us closer to her Son, the eternal Victor over sin and death.
“Then Jesus said to the Twelve, ‘What about you, do you want to go away, too?’ Simon Peter answered, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the message of eternal life’ (John 6:67-69).”
Love always,
Carole Day
Thank you for these thoughts Rose. It’s just what we need at this time in our church crisis.
Hold onto Jesus and model ourselves after Mary.
I would like you to come speak to St. Mary’s Sodality soon. What is your schedule like for Nov. or Dec.?
Carole Day
Rose Folsom
Glad you liked this, Carole. Email me at rose@virtueconnection.com and let me know what dates you have in mind! God bless, Rose