Have you ever had a prayer that you say all the time suddenly “bloom” in your heart and take on a meaning you never saw before? That happened the other day with the Magnificat and I want to share that little gift with you.
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,
My soul is created to proclaim the greatness of a Lord, not the greatness of myself.
my spirit rejoices in God my Savior
My spirit is not created to rejoice in what I have accomplished, or what I have, or what I look like. I am created to rejoice in God, who is eternal love.
for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant.
I rejoice because God has looked on me with his favor and his mercy. He has created me in his own image to love and to be loved; to know, love, and serve him. I rejoice in him because everything good I have comes from him; all my hope is in him. I rejoice because he rejoices in me. “The Lord…will rejoice over you with gladness, and renew you in his love” (Zeph 3:17).
From this day all generations will call me blessed: the Almighty has done great things for me,
It is the Almighty’s action in me, and that alone, that makes me blessed, that helps me to do anything important and connected with eternity. All good that I have ever done or ever will do is from God working through me.
and holy is his Name.
Everything holy in me, everything God-like that I aspire to — comes from him, imitates him, and reflects him shining in me.
He has mercy on those who fear him in every generation.
I revere his awesome power to do good through me if I just say “yes.” I have no power to do good on my own, independent from him. I pray for the grace to receive his mercy and to show that mercy to everyone he puts in my path today.
He has shown the strength of his arm, he has scattered the proud in their conceit.
God cannot be overpowered or outdone. His strength alone is my strength. When I feel scattered, it means that I am trying to use my own strength, which is weakness itself. I rely entirely on God’s power to bring out good outcomes in my life.
He has cast down the mighty from their thrones, and has lifted up the lowly.
The more I remind myself and try to live out my own powerlessness, the greater power I have to do good because I am emptying myself of my own pride, my own will, my expectations, my desires, making room, as Mary did, to be filled up with God’s eternal power.
He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty.
The “good things” God fills us up with are his very self. When he fills us in the sacraments, in prayer, and in service, we are filled with God’s own peace, knowing that he has our back and it is he who is accomplishing all we are doing. “Lord, you will decree peace for us, for you have accomplished all we have done” (Is 26:12).
He has come to the help of his servant Israel, for he has remembered his promise of mercy,
the promise he made to our fathers, to Abraham and his children forever.
God’s promises are beyond our comprehension in their scope and depth of love. And all his promises are ours if we say with Mary, “Let it be done to me according to your word.” Our yes is the golden key that opens God’s heart—that opens heaven on Earth, that opens eternity to us—beginning here and now.
Diana Sandoval
Beautiful. I will copy and keep it in my prayer book.
Patricia Cathleen Weems
Thank you for these meaningful explanations of such a Spirit-filled prayer! What was new and the most exciting to me was: I rejoice because he rejoices in me. “The Lord…will rejoice over you with gladness, and renew you in his love” (Zeph 3:17). Those words are so very comforting!!
Betty Howard
Thank you I needed that going through alot in all areas of my life and my family.. god bless you
Marilyn Riggle
Thanks be to God!
Janet Loethen
Thank you for your guidance!❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️
Jill Godbey
Thanks you for your inspirational message Rose 😍
Thank you for sharing! This was very insightful for me and presented some things that I need and want to work through.
Blessings and peace.
Thank you Rose, Absolutely Beautiful!!!
The Holy Spirit truly touched your heart. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you, Rose, for all your beautiful emails every week. They are truly an inspiration to me. I look forward to them every Sunday morning. They are a great way to prepare for Mass! God bless you!
Doris Lacock
Thank you Rose.
You always make me ponder and to have hope. God Bless you
Maria Rosarioningrum
Thank you so much, Rose. May God the holy spirit bless you more inspiration abundantly.
A beautiful reflection on a beautiful prayer
This is so beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing your prayer with us.
My prayer is that one day I have the relationship with our Lord and Savior that is intimate.
Sharon witzell
This is excellent Rose … this could be put in my prototype magazine with a link to your website if I can use it .. instead of having you write a different article . You really need to apply for the OSV challenge grant I think you have a very unique apostolate! You could get $100,000 to expand your apostolate!
Lisa Mummert
This was beautiful, thank you.
Marion Arens
Thank you. This has always been my favorite prayer, now with the heavenly addition it is now more precious.
Mary Behl
Thanks for the beautiful explanation.
Rose – you’ve expanded my meditation. I’ve always thought of Mary and not of myself. So, a new horizon for me with the Holy Spirit. May the Trinity bless you and Mother Mary accompany you.
Erin Benbennick
Thank you, Rose, for this moving meditation on my favorite prayer.
Rose Marie Galaviz
Thank you Rose, for sharing with us it beautiful and I like to copy it as reminder on my busy day.
JoEllen Lavergne
This is just beautiful! Thank you for sharing!
Ellen Olivier
How very beautiful! Thank you for the wonderful, Spirit-filled words!
Diane Isabelle
Good food for thought.
Orfalinda Limon
Beautiful and very inspiring.Thank you for sharing.l’snt God wonderful.
Sr. Patrick Joseph noga, snd
Thank you for this beautiful magnificat! I just came off my retreat at Bethany in Chardon . It was so beautiful and colortful like you’ve shown. It was amazing . Thank you for your prayer. I also prayed for you too! God bless!
MaryAlice Ruiz
Thank you Rose for this beautiful inspiration and explanation of the prayer. I will keep and reread often. Thanks for sharing.