Hello friend!
Come with me to Brookside Gardens in Silver Spring, Maryland, to enjoy the summer flowers while we soak in the wisdom of St. Francis de Sales.
Love always,
P.S. Thanks to everyone who emailed me last week to get updates on my upcoming 90-day program to finally discover how to pray like a saint. In it, I’ll guide you every step of the way to ditch a stale, empty prayer life so you can feel the confidence and life-changing peace of a consistent and close connection with God. Haven’t emailed me yet? Give me a holler at Rose(at)VirtueConnection(dot)com to stay in the loop! ❤️
Dear Rose,
So enriching…so uplifting…Sursum cords! Thank you. God blesses you.
Diane konshak
I am interested in your program to stimulate my prayer life as it needs a good boost.
Loved today’s reflection, thank you.
Lynda Rozell
This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing your garden walk and the words of wisdom from a great saint. 🙏🙏🙏
Mary Anderson
So beautiful and enriching is God’s speldor in life’s garden! The Devout life…we’re reading that in Apostoli Viae!
Belen A.I. Annehed
Wonderful. I love its beautiful & everlasting beauty to adore as more to Love our Creator giving us these flowers of the fields to behold.
Thank you for the beautiful walk and beautiful words!
God bless you and your ministry.💕
Adrienne Donnelly
Thank you…so lovely 💛
Tom Roberts
My wife And I sought out Botanical gardens in every city we visited and maintained a lush flower garden in our backyard. That all ended when she died in 2017. Slim times, but bible study is resuming this week. It too is a lush garden so I’m ALL IN!
Kathy DiCiurcio
Thank you Rose for sharing. I enjoyed the flowers and the words of St. Francis de Sales.
Beautiful flowers and uplifting words for the soul! Thank you Rose and Thanks Be to God!
So very lovely!
Deleen Alley
Just Beautiful and so inspiring.
Thank you Rose.
Sharon Witzell
Very Beautiful. Let me know more about the 90 prayer program. Thanks!
Lucy Edwards
Thank you Rose, such spiritual lifting and beautiful flowers. Greatly appreciate it.
Have a Blessed Day God Bless you.
Diane Isabelle
Thanks for the reminders, Rose, from such a great saint! Loved the posies, busy bees, and chirpers!