Here are two ways (that don’t take much time) to help those who need it.
- Homeless Care Package
Last year, I posted “Hand to Hand in Mercy” (click here to see it) where I covered what to put in a care packet for the homeless, so you have something to carry around for when you’re asked. I finally made some packets and a video to show you what I put in mine!
2. Life-Saving Knowledge for the Abused
October is Domestic Abuse Awareness Month. I grew up in a household that was not peaceful, so the tips below are meaningful to me. And, oh, I am extra privileged to be, as of this month, a Faculty Associate of Catholics For Family Peace Education and Research Initiative! So proud to be a small part of the solution. And happy to pass along three things to know:
- There are tons of resources at CatholicsForFamilyPeace.org (click here to see ’em)
- Confidential National Domestic Violence Hotline number is 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
- Church law (Canon 1153) says “Safety first.” In other words, if you or your children are in danger, you do not have to stay under the same roof as the abuser. No one deserves abuse. Ever.
Scroll down and share in the comment field how you have helped people who are homeless or helped the abused build hope of a better life. I’d love to hear how you have brought your virtue out into the world!
Love always,
Tom Roberts
Premeditation; the packets are a great idea. You’ve been thinking about the homeless and you’re ready and willing. That’s the key to Matthew 25:35-36 “For I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you took me in.” Did I give to the homeless out of compassion or did I do it to get them off my back or out of fear? Matthew 25 makes it clear.
My wife and I took in a couple in their 50s who had become homeless. They were addicts and gave us a lot of trouble. They even died in our house. But for the two years they were with us they gave my stroke paralyzed wife the loving care and companionship she needed. Bad as events were, having them with us was a blessing.
Hi Rose!
Great idea for the homeless care package! I also appreciate very much that you included Church law “Safety First,” as it is very sad how many abused women with children remain with their abusers erroneously belivinf that is what the Church teaches!!
Godbless you and congratulations in your new position!!!
I love that pumpkin patch photo!
Thanks, Sal. Blessings to you, too!
Hello Rose, Another easy thing to do, that takes maybe an hour to 90 minutes once a month, is to deliver food. I volunteer with Nourish Now, and once a month. I go to a restaurant designated by Nourish Now, pickup the food, and deliver to Nourish Now’s warehouse. They process and distribute food from area restaurants that would otherwise go to waste!
Rose Folsom
For anyone in or near Montgomery County, MD, who wants to join Kathleen in delivering food, Nourish Now’s website is at https://nourishnow.org/. Thanks for the idea, Kathleen! And for reminding us that the time commitment doesn’t have to be huge to make a difference!