My pastor once said that Advent is a time of gratitude “for the gift to come.” “Thank God ahead of time” is…
Posts Tagged: gratitude
Strolling Through Psalm 44
St. Paul had reason to be depressed. You know, thrown in jail, beaten, shipwrecked, stoned and left-for-dead — stuff like that. How…
Don’t Forget the Good Stuff
Am I the only one who thought that the nightly examination of conscience was supposed to be a list of everything I…
12 Signs of Spiritual Growth
A reader sent the following “signs of spiritual growth” that she got from a 12-step-program buddy. The list is a fun way…
My Wavy Line to Holiness
I came crashing into the Catholic Church in 1990, two years after reading St. Thérèse of Lisieux’s autobiography, The Story of a…
Advent: Thanking God Ahead of Time
My pastor once said that Advent is a time of gratitude “for the gift to come.” “Thank God ahead of time” is…
Helping You Celebrate Your Mother
Mother’s Day is next Sunday. Sure, it’s originally the idea of the greeting card companies, but there can be no downside to…
Don’t Need Virtue??
Gem from last Sunday “Don’t try to protect yourself against God by thinking you need to know how to [pray] or being…
My Guardian Angel is Awesome, Especially When I’m Not
Everyone has one, but sometimes they go unappreciated. Some people have two or three, but I have just one—with bags under his…
Advent: Thanking God Ahead of Time
My pastor said today that Advent is a time of gratitude “for the gift to come.” “Thank God ahead of time” is…
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