I’m writing this on a sunny summer day, but no matter what the weather, life can seem gloomy sometimes. The hope we had yesterday dims and seems to fade farther and farther away. And the void is filled with dread, or resentment, or just…nothing.
Where’s my roadmap back to a future with hope? How can I believe once again that God has plans to take me to himself in glory forever? Pope Benedict’s encyclical, Spe Salvi (Saved in Hope) gives us a roadmap back to security and sanity. It reminds us that hopelessness is based on a lie that our destiny is confusion instead of freedom and joy. It’s based on a lie that this rough patch will never end and the sun will never break through again — but it will, always.
Join me in my local park for a 3-min. video of some eye-popping flowers (and a butterfly or two) and hopeful words of Pope Benedict that will help make your day sunny, no matter the weather!
Love always,
Dear Rose,
Your snapshots are so unique, it makes one bubble up with delight, then to simmer down
to await to await another mood for the rest. It is sheer joy in the midst of a tops turvy world.
Your pathways are those of the Holy Spirit.
I admire the work of Your fingers, so splendid…What Your hands have created,…Is given to man as a kingdom. (from theHebrew)
Rose Gardener
Good job and thank you.
Beautiful words of encouragement! Love the video. God bless
Colleen Kiko
Just beautiful
Tom Roberts
In the Catechism 2091 states “The first commandment is also concerned with sins against hope, namely, despair and presumption. I used to retreat into despair, maybe wallow in despair as an escape. But now I discover that despair is a sin meaning “Don’t do that! Do something else.” On that I embarked upon my journey into the Catholic Church. In a nutshell it paid off. There is a book by Jerome Groopman, MD, which includes some nuts and bolts observations such as “Hope, unlike optimism, is rooted in unalloyed reality . . . True hope has no room for delusion.” He concludes with “Hope, I have come to believe, is as vital to our lives as the very oxygen that we breathe.”
What beautiful messages are reflected in your emails. I enjoy them very much and share them with my ACTS sister via Zoom on Wednesday evenings. Thank you
Jan Mullin
Thank you, Rose! This was a beautiful reflection as we contemplate His beauty and the beauty of His creation. God Bless!
Rose Folsom
So glad you enjoyed it, Jan!
Beautiful work of the garden and great info. I has never heard about interchangjng faith and hope. Interesting.
Also, the meditation with the sunrise was precious to my soul.
Sharon Anm
Diane Isabelle
Loved those posies–an example of how mankind (Brookside Gardens staff) lovingly carry out God’s commandment to have dominion over His creation. Loved the birds chirping in the background too, as well as the bee and the butterfly–examples of hope. Especially liked the black-eyed susans, the Maryland state flower, whose colors come from Lord Baltimore’s family crest. Thanks from a transplanted Ohioan!
Beautiful and so peaceful! All of God’s beauty from the flowers and the beautiful sounds of the birds. Thank you.
Rose Folsom
So glad you enjoyed it, Sharon!
Thanks for sharing the beautiful handwork of our Creator. Beautiful flowers ? ?❤️
peggy Morris
I remember Pope Benedict’s visit to the United States and the theme of his trip was Hope. He said “those who have Hope live differently”. Hope becomes a gift we can give to others, by sharing all we have received from God. Thank you for sharing your Hope in God.
Diane Upham
So lovely, thank you always by sharing uplifting messages and visions of hope. You are amazing!
Sal Evola
Faith, hope, and love are the three theological virtues from God. St. Paul the Apostle tells us that the greatest of these is love so as important as faith and hope are, we won’t need them in Heaven our true home, the promised land, as the greatest of these is love. Love conquers all even death! We will be in communion with the blessed trinity and all the angels and Saints for eternity.
May God bless you and the work you do!